guru chants

Guru Stotram


vyāptaṁ yena carācaram 

tatpadam darśitaṁ yena

tasmai śrī gurave namaḥ




cakṣurunmīlitaṁ yena

tasmai śrī gurave namaḥ


gururbrahmā gururviṣṇuḥ 

gururdevo maheśvaraḥ 

guruḥ sākṣāt paraṁ brahma 

tasmai śrī gurave namaḥ


sthāvaraṁ jaṅgamaṁ vyāptaṁ 

yat-kiñcit sacarācaram 

tatpadaṁ darśitaṁ yena 

tasmai śrī gurave namaḥ 

cinmayaṁ vyāpi yat-sarvaṁ 

trailokyaṁ sacarācaram 

tatpadaṁ darśitaṁ yena 

tasmai śrī gurave namaḥ




vedāntāmbuja-sūryo yaḥ

tasmai śrī gurave namaḥ 

caitanyaḥ śāśvataḥ śāntaḥ

vyomātīto nirañjanaḥ


tasmai śrī gurave namaḥ


Evening Prayers

śivaḥ śaktyā yukto yadi bhavati śaktaḥ prabhavituṃ 

na ced evaṃ devo na khalu kuśalaḥ spanditum api 

atas tvām ārādhyāṃ hari-hara-viriñcādibhir api

praṇantuṃ stotuṃ vā katham akṛta-punyaḥ prabhavati

avidyānām anta-stimiri-mihira-dvīpa-nagarī 

jaḍānāṃ caitanya-stabaka-makaranda-sruti-jharī 

daridrāṇāṃ cintā-maṇi-guṇanikā janma-jaladhau

nimagnānāṃ daṃṣṭrā mura-ripu-varāhasya bhavatī

sudhā-sindhor madhye sura-viṭapi-vāṭī-parivṛte 

maṇi-dvīpe nīpopavanavati cintāmaṇi-gṛhe 

śivākāre mañce parama-śiva-paryaṅka-nilayāṃ

bhajanti tvāṃ dhanyāḥ katicana cid-ānanda-laharīm

Prayer at Dawn by Sri Sankaracarya

prātaḥ smarāmi hṛdi-samsphuradātma-tattvam 

saccit-sukhaṁ paramahansa gatim turīyam 

yat svapna-jāgrata-suṣuptim avaiti nityaṁ

tad brahma-niṣkalamaham na ca bhūta-sanghaḥ

prātar bhajāmi manasām vacasām agamyam 

vāco vibhānti nikhilā yadanugraheṇa 

yan neti neti vacanair nigamāvocaṃs-

tam deva devamajama cyutamāhuragryam

prātar namāmi tamasaḥ paramarkavarṇam 

pūrṇam sanātana padam puruṣottam ākhyam 

yasminnidam jagadaśeṣam aśeṣa mūrtau 

rajjvām bhujaṅgama iva prātibhāsitam vai

śloka trayam idam puṇyam loka traya vibhūṣaṇam 

prātaḥ kālesmared yastu sagacchet paramam-padam

oṃ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ

Jai Gurudev, Gurudev Namo

Namo Namaste, Namo Namaste

Namo Namaste, Namo Namaste

Jai means victory.

Guru is the remover of darkness.

Namo to bow

Nama ste Nama means bow Ste means to you.

I bow to you.

Victory to the one that removes the veil of ignorance (darkness). I bow to you, the remover of my darkness.



bhukti-mukti-pradātā ca

tasmai śrī gurave namaḥ





tasmai śrī gurave namaḥ


śoṣaṇaṁ bhava-sindhośca

ñāpanaṁ sāra-sampadaḥ 

guroḥ pādodakaṁ samyak

tasmai śrī gurave namaḥ


na guroradhikaṁ tattvaṁ

na guroradhikaṁ tapaḥ

tattva-jñānāt paraṁ nāsti

tasmai śrī gurave namaḥ


man-nathaḥ śrī-jagan-nathaḥ 

mad-guruḥ śrī-jagad-guruḥ

madātmā sarva-bhūtātmā

tasmai śrī gurave namaḥ



guruḥ parama-daivatam

guroḥ parataraṁ nāsti

tasmai śrī gurave namaḥ

tvameva mātā ca pitā tvameva 

tvameva bandhuśca sakhā tvameva 

tvameva vidyā draviṇaṁ tvameva 

The unmanifested reality can manifest itself only with the help of the Divine Mother Śakti. All forces are under Her command; God cannot even stir without Her. Is it possible for the aspirants who have not performed good karma to worship or praise You, O Mother, Who is honored even by the powers of Creation, Protection, and Destruction?

You are the sun that dispels the darkness of the ignorant; the spiritual Flower overflowing with honey for the unknowing; the Gem which bestows the heart's desire for the destitute; the Rescuer of those drowning in the ocean of births and deaths.

Your abode is the lap of the Supremely Auspicious One in the mansion built with the gemstones that yield all desires, on the island of gems, surrounded by sacred trees in the ocean of nectar. Blessed are the few that serve You, the flood of Consciousness and Bliss.

At dawn, I remember that which shines in the heart as the Self. The truth is that which is existence-intelligence-happiness, which is the goal of the great sages, that which is the transcendent reality (turīya). I am that eternal Brahman who is blemishless and knows the threes states of dreaming, waking, and sleep, not the aggregate of the elements.

At dawn do I worship That which is unreachable for the mind and words but by whose Grace all words shine. The scriptures indicated this by the phrase, "not this, not this," as You cannot be expressed by words - the foremost God of gods, unborn and unchanging.

At dawn do I salute That which is called the highest Person whose hue is of the ray beyond darkness, that which is the Full and the Eternal Goal, that remainderless form (the whole) in which this entire world shines, like a serpent in a rope.

He who at dawn recites this auspicious triad of verses - an ornament to the three worlds - will go to the supreme place, moksha, the final goal.

Om peace peace peace