divine mother chants

Durga, Durga, Durga 

Jai, Jai Maa

Durga is the Mother of the Universe that eliminates all suffering by eliminating that within us that causes suffering.  

Victory, Victory to the Mother of the Universe, the Mother of all. 

Om Dum Durgayei Namaha

Om Dum Durgayei Namaha

Salutations to the Lion Rider, the one with resplendent magnificence. The one who is benevolent to those seeking the truth and pure destruction to those who would harm those seekers of truth.  

Om Kali

Om is the primordial sound of the Universe. In the beginning, there was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God. This is OM.

Kali is known as the black Mother Goddess that is beyond time. She is black because she destroys our ignorance. And sheMaa Kali is beyond time because once we begin to tread the path with sincerity, Divine Mother meets us every lifetime to pick up where we left off. By destroying our ignorant tendencies, she leads us on the way to enlightenment; it is this inner revolution that gives Maa Kali her power. 

Om Mata Om Mata Om Sri Mata Jagate Mata  

Samba Sadashiva Samba Sadashiva Samba Sadashiva Samba Shambho  

Om Bhuvaneshwari Shri Bhuvaneshwari Hari Para Shakti Devi Bhuvaneshwari

Oh, Mother, you are the Ruler of the three worlds; you are the most exalted. You alone remove our masks. You are the power of empowerment, and you alone provide wisdom, strength, courage, and wealth to your devotees. 

Hai Maa Durga

Jai, Jai Maa

Hey, Mother of the Universe.

Victory, Victory to the Mother of the Universe. 

Lotus Feet of Divine Mother

Engrossed is the bee of my mind.

On the blue lotus feet of my Divine Mother.

Divine Mother, my Divine Mother,

Divine Mother, my Divine Mother!

A sweet juice draws a bee to a flower, and when it finds the perfect flower, the bee becomes very one-pointed in its job of consuming the nectar and eventually turning it into honey. We want our minds to become engrossed in Divine Mother and eventually turn the nectar from Divine Mother into honey or love for all others. A saint has tasted the nectar of Divine Mother, turned it into honey, and his life has become consumed with giving the rest of the hive (humanity) the honey.